Sandboarding is a fun way to get exercise and explore the desert. The boards are strapped to your feet, so it’s like snowboarding with sand instead of snow. You can either stand up on it or sit down to ride, but I prefer standing for more control over my speed and direction as well as getting a better view of where I’m going! When sandboarding, you want to find the biggest dunes you can, and look for ones that have banks on the sides at the top of the hill. That way when you fall off (which happens often), there’s soft ground underfoot instead of hard rocks or cacti -- although I’ve found myself stuck against both over time!
Sandboarding is a relatively simple sport. Your board is strapped to your feet, and you can either try to stand up on it or sit down to ride. There are different boards for different purposes, but most of them are made of plastic or fiberglass and have textured tops that help you maintain traction in the sand. You’ll also need some sort of bindings that will hold your foot in place while you’re riding on the board.
The other equipment needed for sandboarding includes a quad bike or buggy (a small off-road vehicle) to get you up into the dunes; goggles if it’s sunny out so that you don’t get sand in your eyes; sunblock; water bottles at least half full (you’ll need both hands free); and plenty of sunscreen—especially if you’re going during midday hours when it’s hotter than usual outside!
Once everything is set up properly, though, all that’s left is getting yourself ready mentally: just remember what a good time everyone had last time around and how much fun this pastime has been for others before us!
The first step to sandboarding is finding the right dune. You want to look for dunes with a steep face, not a gentle slope. Look for ones that have banks on the sides at the top of the hill, which give you something to hold onto when you’re coming down. And make sure it’s big enough! The bigger and steeper your sandboard hill, the better!
The board is designed to prevent you from falling off, so you don’t have to worry about staying upright. However, you will want to keep your weight centered over the board while riding. This should be easy if you’re following all of our tips for choosing the right sandboard and wearing appropriate footwear.
You’ll be able to sandboard at your own pace, and you should be prepared to get sand in your shoes, socks and hair. You’ll also want to bring plenty of water—it’s easy to dehydrate when you’re sweating.
The best time to sandboard is first thing in the morning or just after sunset when it’s cooler. Sandboarding in the middle of the day will leave you incredibly hot, so an early start or sunset run is best.
When you go sandboarding, it’s important to remember that the sand can get extremely hot. It’s best to wear comfortable shoes and clothing that won’t restrict your movement, and make sure that you have plenty of water with you so you stay hydrated. You can also bring a hat with a wide brim to protect your face from the sun.
When sandboarding in Dubai, it’s also important not to overdo it since prolonged exposure in this heat can be dangerous. If possible, take breaks during the day so that everyone can rest up before starting again. If there are any kids or young people visiting Dubai with their families who want an adventure but are not quite ready for extreme sports like mountain biking or skydiving yet (or maybe even ever!), then this is an excellent option for them!
If it’s windy, be prepared for a lot of grit in your eyes if you don’t wear sunglasses or goggles. Sandboarding can be dangerous, so if you’re new to the sport and not confident in your abilities, try sandboarding on an enclosed dune instead of an open desert. The sand on these dunes is more compacted than that found in other areas where sandboarding takes place. It also tends to stick together better since there are no rocks or debris to interfere with its structure; this means that once set into motion by gravity (or even just standing up), it’s easier to stay on top of the dune than when using regular beach sand.
Sandboarding is a great way to have fun in the desert, but it’s important to remember that this can be a dangerous activity. Sandboarding is not for everyone — if you are overweight or haven’t exercised in years, you may want to consider taking it easy on your first trip. Make sure you take precautions before going it alone:
Sandboarding is a fun way for anyone to get out and enjoy the desert. There are plenty of places to go in Dubai, from the dunes near Jumeirah Beach Park all the way up to the Black Mountain near Fujairah. The best time of day for sandboarding would be early morning or after sunset; temperatures can be very high during the middle of a hot day and there will be more grit in your eyes if you don’t wear sunglasses or goggles when it’s windy out there!